Pastoral Posture is an annual gathering that sits somewhere in between a small conference and a large retreat – for those at the start of their ministry lives and those lost somewhere in the middle.
What metrics do you use to measure a healthy or successful ministry? How do you know if you’re doing a good job? Each year at the Manor we plan to have a week-long ministry conference, with the first half of the week being for those in the first #firstfour years of ministry, and the second half of the week for those ‘struggling in the middle’.
Each year we’ll hear from seasoned practitioners and, as well as a number of seminars, consider one of four key ministry emphases
• Prayer – what does it mean to pray as one in pastoral ministry?
• Preaching – how can we faithfully open up the word of God each week in a way that connects with our people, lifts up Christ and yet sounds like the people God has made us to be?
• Pastoral – how can we practically love and care for the sheep that God has entrusted to us?
• Practical – what are some of the skills needed that we might not be taught in formal training?
First Four Years (Monday to Wednesday)
Trajectory matters. Just a degree or two off at the beginning and you’ll end up in a very different place from where you planned. Well so in pastoral ministry, early trajectory matters – how you start will hugely influence where you’ll end up and how you’ll finish. This #firstfour conference is an opportunity for those in the first four years of paid pastoral ministry to gather together and consider what healthy ministry practices look like. It’s particularly for those who have gone through (or are going through) theological training and are in their first leadership role.
Mid-life Ministry (Wednesday to Friday)
For many who have been in ministry for a number of years, the ‘mid-life’ season can be very complicated. Whether through exhaustion, family pressures (both in the home and looking after parents), disillusionment or knowing how to effectively minister as the years pass by, we can too easily feel like we’re justing existing from Sunday to Sunday rather than thriving and flourishing. This mid-life ministry conference will be an opportunity to consider how we effectively minister in what can be a hard season of life.
For both halves of the week, there will be a limited number of onsite accommodation spaces though we will be able to point you to other local options.
To hear about upcoming events, you can register for our newsletter here.